Shape Viewer

November 2024-present

A key component of my PhD dissertation research is geometric shape analysis. This entails studying the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, and in particular, what makes one shape different from another. A lot of this depends on the local curvature of the surface or boundary, measured through various means. I created this Shape Viewer as a way to visualize local shape properties such as principal and asymptotic directions, ridges, flecnodes, etc. of any parametric surface (see Jan J. Koenderink. 1990. Solid shape. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA.) In addition, Shape Viewer allows for visualization of the Gauss and asymptotic spherical maps of a surface. These provide additional information as to shape properties.

Code can be found at

Fractal generator

April 2024-present

I’ve been fascinated by fractals since 10th grade, when I learned how to use Java by generating them. I decided to write a fractal generator in C++ this time, in order to improve my skills with the languange and with OpenCV for C++. As of now, the user can generate Mandelbrot, Julia, or burning ship fractals and zoom in on parts of them by clicking at the corners of a bounding box. As part of this project, I wrote a lightweight library for color-mapping scalar values to a color scale.

The code can be found here.

3D Printed Topographic Map of Contiguous US

March-October 2021 A 3D printed topographical map of the United States, in blue plastic. This took several months, printing each state individually with a lot of time spent dialing in print settings. Done in PLA with 0.2 mm layer height.